Things are about to get really good
EVERYONE had their first yoga class at some point. The fact that you are even thinking about trying your first yoga class is one step closer to greatness! As well as doing wonders for your mind, yoga can drastically increase your strength and flexibility.
Which class do you go to as a beginner?
Vinyasa Flow - Beginner Friendly class
Yin Yang - Beginner Friendly class
Here are some tips for your first yoga class.
Before class:
Don't eat before practising. I usually leave two hours between a meal before I practise. Eat as much as you want after class that’s up to you.
Traditionally you don't drink water while you practice yoga so drink plenty before hand. Saying that, if you need water, drink water. We respect your choices.
Wear comfortable clothing. I like to wear tracksuit bottoms / leggings and a tight top so the top doesn't move much when I go upside down. Whatever you wear, make sure you're not having to lift, pull or untwist it every few seconds. We don’t judge ANYONE here (only those that don’t do yoga - joking).
If you have long hair, tie it back. The last thing you want is hair stuck to your sweaty face. A plait or a bun is what I prefer so my long hair doesn't flick into my eye balls.
We close the door 2 minutes before the class starts. If you arrive and the door is shut, you have missed the class.
Take off your shoes and socks as soon as you enter the stduio. Yoga is done barefoot.
Bring your own mat if you have one. But no problem if not. You can use our mats for a £1 rental fee .
If you think you may get sweaty, bring a towel.
The teachers mat will usually be sideways at the front of the class and your mat will be lengthways facing the teacher.
If you're injured or pregnant let the teacher know as they will give you modifications throughout the class.
During class:
Listen to your body when you practise. Everyone is different and everyone has good and bad days. Yoga is not about competition and pushing yourself beyond your limits, so take a rest when you need. Child’s pose or downward dog are good resting poses.
Make sure you go to Beginner Friendly classes. If you accidentally attend a Mixed Level class on your first day, you may find it a little challenging.
Don't be put off by flexible people in the room. They may have been practising a long time or they may have been a dancer / gymnast hen they were younger. You never know. Even people who have been practising yoga a long time like to go to our Beginner Friendly classes. Just listen to the teacher and follow their cues.
The teacher may touch you during class. It's called an assist. It doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong, they are just modifying your alignment or helping you find a better position in the pose. They will always ask at the start of the class if you happy to be adjusted.
Finally, enjoy it. Although I think everyone should do yoga because it's amazing for you mind and body, I'm also a firm believer of only doing what you enjoy. It's not for everyone.
After class:
If you used one of our mats, please clean it with our spray.
If you have any questions after class, feel free to chat to your neighbour or the teacher. We’re always here to help you.
Roll your mat up, grab your belongings and leave the studio.