HUGE thank you to everyone who was involved and everyone who came to the Sunderland Wellness Festival 2023.
If you missed it, here is what happened:
Claire Lormor
Claire from Wellness Space will be guiding you through YOGA THROUGH THE ELEMENTS. In this session you will explore the elements air, water, fire and earth through movement and breath. Physically we will practise folds, twists, backbends, hip openers, inversions and arm balances. Energetically, you will leave feeling strong, stretched and relaxed. Options will be given for all of the more challenging postures, which is why this class is suitable for all levels. Not suitable for anyone who suffers from any injuries.
Nicola Mantalios
One of the funniest comedians in the North East. Nicola was brought up in a cult so it’s given her plenty of material for her comedy. Join her as she walks you through her personal story of identity, loss, estrangement, and LEARNING HOW TO BE “NORMAL”.
Martyn Blacklock
Martyn will be leading you through a delicious BREATH WORK & MEDITATION session. They say our breath is a gateway to the mind and it is a great tool for us to destress, increase our sense of happiness and improve our focus.
Alex Wake
Alex from Good for the Soul Holistics will be leading you through a SOUND BATH FOR DEEP RELAXATION. Forget the world for a while as you relax, unwind and sink into a tranquil ocean of healing soundwaves though a number of specially chosen instruments. Lay down, close your eyes and allow the sound to wash away any tension as you are filled with the waves of beautiful, calming and powerful vibrations of pure sound. You’ll leave feeling energetically balanced and harmonised. Not suitable during pregnancy.
Rebecca Owens
Tattooing and body modifications were once associated with deviant people, something that indicated risk taking or an underlying psychopathology. However, body modifications in all their forms have become more popular over the last 20 years, and we are now seeing people engage in so many different forms. In her talk BODY MODIFICATIONS AND OUR WELLBEING, Dr Owens will explain the positive impact that body modification can have on our wellbeing, drawing upon historical cross-cultural evidence.
Dr Amy Pearson
Amy is a Chartered Developmental Psychologist and Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Sunderland. Join her for her talk on THE IMPORTANCE OF NEURODIVERSITY FOR UNDERSTAND WELLBEING. In this session, Dr Amy Pearson will talk about what Neurodiversity is, and why it is relevant to helping all of us understand how to thrive. She introduce some different forms of neurodivergence, and explain how understanding the way we think and process information from the world around use can help us to meet our own needs more effectively.
Abbi Hutchinson
Abbi from Studio 6 is going to be starting our festival with an energetic MORNING WARM UP. Be prepared to move the body and get the heart rate going. The perfect set up for the day.
Dominic Cleary
Dominic will teach us the ancient practice of Qigong. Qigong was developed in China thousands of years ago as part of traditional Chinese medicine. It involves using exercises to optimise energy within the body, mind, and spirit, with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being. Qigong has both psychological and physical components and involves the regulation of the mind, breath, and body’s movement and posture.
Janet Whitwood
Janet from Sunderland Pilates Studio will be leading you through PILATES POWERHOUSE. In this session you will understand what your core muscles are, what they do and how the strengthen them creating your own Pilates Powerhouse!
Mike Heydon
We are so happy to have Mike at the festival delivering some of his incredible music. He’ll be delivering some relaxing songs to ease us into the day.